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Results: 14

BASF und die WHW Recycling GmbH haben eine Vereinbarung über die Aufbereitung von Kathoden- und Anodenabfällen geschlossen, um die Batteriezellherstellung in Europa nachhaltiger zu gestalten.

Von links hinten: Lukas Walch (WHW Recycling), Matthias Walch (WHW Recycling), Kevin Walch (WHW Recycling), Štefan Hanigovský (WHW Recycling), Holger Kuhlmann (BASF); von links vorne: Julian Prölß (BASF), Christine Große Lembeck (BASF), Lars Walch (Lars Walch GmbH & Co. KG).

July 18, 2024

Recycling of production waste: BASF and WHW Recycling make battery cell production more sustainable

June 18, 2024

BASF decides against investment in nickel-cobalt refining complex in Indonesia

Christine Grosse Lembeck to lead BASF’s Battery Recycling business
June 6, 2024

Christine Grosse Lembeck to lead BASF’s Battery Recycling business

BASF has successfully started operating its prototype metal refinery for battery recycling in Schwarzheide, Germany.
Photo: BASF SE
April 16, 2024

Recovering valuable metals in Schwarzheide: BASF has started prototype metal refinery for battery recycling

April 11, 2024

BASF starts change negotiations for Harjavalta precursor battery materials plant because of lengthy permitting process with unclear outcomes

Media relations contacts

For all media inquiries and press related questions, please contact our media relations managers.

Dila Barutcu Oktay
Cathode Active Materials and Sourcing & Metals Management
Eve-Marie Roeseler
Battery Recycling
Olivia Liu
BASF Battery Materials Asia-Pacific